Tips for Finding a Good Invisalign Dentist

Invisalign Highland, UT

Invisalign® clear aligners are a great dental alternative to more traditional teeth-straightening methods such as braces. Many patients find them easier to handle, less painful, less time-consuming, and less embarrassing than having a mouth full of metal. The trick is finding the right dentist who can provide you with optimal clear alignment treatment.

What is Invisalign®?

To understand what makes a good Invisalign® dentist, you first need to know what this treatment is and what the alignment process entails.

The device

Invisalign® treatment is the use of a series of specially-designed clear plastic trays to correct the positioning of your teeth and bite. It was originally developed as an alternative to traditional braces that use metal brackets and wires to straighten your teeth. The specific clear aligners used in Invisalign® treatment are made using SmartTrack material and designed precisely for each patient using 3D iTero and ClinCheck software. These innovative materials and devices are what set apart this clear alignment treatment from all the rest. 

The process

The Invisalign® clear aligner trays are developed in a series to move your dentition in small, precise increments. The process requires consistent and clear communication with your dentist from beginning to end to achieve optimal alignment results. It also requires your dentist to be certified in the use of the technologies associated with this specific treatment plan. On your part, you should wear the aligners for no less than 22 hours each day to receive the constant pressure needed to move your teeth. You also need to clean and care for your trays and attend regular in-person checkups with your dentist to move efficiently through your planned series.

How to find a good Invisalign® dentist?

So now that you understand a bit more about what the Invisalign® treatment involves, you need to decide if this option is right for you and choose a good dentist to help you with the journey. Choosing a suitable dentist for your specific case may sometimes seem like a difficult task, but fortunately, there are a few things that you can do to make your search easier and locate the right dentist for your needs.

Use the Invisalign® website

One wonderful thing about deciding to use these aligners is that the company provides all the tools and information you need to find the right dentist through their online site. All you need to do is search the term "Invisalign®" using your favorite search engine, go to their home site, and enter your ZIP code in the convenient "Find a Doctor" feature. This search will show you all the providers in your area that are specifically trained and certified by Invisalign® to offer this special clear aligner treatment.

Read the reviews

As you should with any medical provider, you should read the reviews written by other patients before you choose the right dentist for you. In the case of Invisalign® treatment, look for reviews written specifically about people's experience with the treatment process and results. Different doctors and patients require different interaction types and levels to achieve the same results so understanding what others thought about the process with a particular dentist can greatly assist you in making your choice. 

Understand the specific process

Use the Invisalign® website and the reviews for each particular provider to help you understand exactly what is involved in the process with that exact practice. Research the options and ask each provider questions about how they conduct the treatment before you decide which dentist you want to use. Though all Invisalign®-certified providers are trained on the detailed workings of the treatment and technologies involved, each dentist may maintain slight differences in the process, and it is important to know exactly what to expect before proceeding with your treatment.

Know yourself

If you know that you work better with limited interference and adherence to only the minimum requirements, look for a dentist who can and will provide that for you. On the other hand, if you do better with more consistent reminders and supervision, a dentist who offers online chat communication, calendar reminders, and a mixture of virtual and in-person appointments might better serve your needs. Try to find a dentist who can adapt to your specific wants and needs to optimize the process.


Invisalign® treatment offers a great alternative to metal braces for many individuals. However, it only works if you find the right dentist to assist you. The process requires clear, consistent communication and special certification to be effective. If you are considering Invisalign®, use the above tips to search for and find a dentist who can align you on the right path.

Request an appointment here: or call Lush Dental Co. at (801) 326-4131 for an appointment in our Highland office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Invisalign in Highland, UT.

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